Aayam Vastu

The term Vastu has its roots in 'vas' which means the surrounding or the environment where a person dwells and shastra in Sanskrit literally means system. Having its origin in the Sthapatya Veda, Vastu shastra is an ancient art and science containing principles and practices of constructing buildings which ensures a harmonious balance between man and nature.

Vastu and astrology are closely related to each other and both are incomplete if we do not keep one's prarabdha into account. For it is the prarabdha which decides the level of energy and the status of activation of the chakras with which an individual soul-body passes on to the next yoni. It is only after this that the grahas plant impressions on the soul. That is why the horoscope is known as janam kundali - which according to Panditji means the status of the kundalini during one's birth.

While astrology can help an individual restore balance in his life by removing the clutter of adverse planetary effects, Vastu helps to magnify the effect by attuning the frequency of the surrounding in which the individual dwells to create a resonance and thus create a Standing Columnar Wave between the individual and his surroundings.

That is exactly why each corner and centre of a plot has been attributed with being the zone of a specific chakra. While the northeast corner or the Ishanya kona corresponds to the Swadhishthana chakra, , the southwest or the naitritya corresponds with the muladhara chakra. Each corner and the centre or the Brahmasthana which corresponds to the Vishuddhi chakra when properly activated and balanced bestow health, wealth and happiness.

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